AMOR VINCIT – “Love conquers” or, to quote the full verse, Omnia vincit amor, nos et cedamus amori, “Love conquers all, let us too yield to love” (Vergil, 70 BC – 19 BC, Eclogae 10.69).
Today, these words by Vergil are as inspiring as ever, witness the 277,000 hits they yield when used as a search term in Google. Referring to such diverse cultural manifestations as a painting by Caravaggio, a chamber choir, a song by Deep Purple, the title of a movie, these universal words clearly express an essential part of our daily experience. Anne and Caroline now contribute the music of their choice. Does it speak of the eternal love of music? The love of their intense teamwork? Your love as a listener? The present selection of songs is a result of the combined tastes of the performers, weighing notes and words, contrast and intensity.