Peter Kleine Schaars , born on august 10th 1962 te Deventer , Holland , starts making music at the age of 10. The lack of trombone players in the region gives him the opportunity to quickly get knowlegde of playing many types of music in many different orchestras (symfony orchestras, concert bands, fanfare orchestras, bigbands, jazzensembles, salsa orchestras and even rockbands). At the age of 16 he starts making arrangements for some of the bands he plays in. This broad musical interest ends many years later in completing four musical studies, knowing classical trombone, jazz trombone, composition (Bob Brookmeijer, Rob Pronk en Klaas de Vries) and conducting (Jan Cober).
In June 1989 he gets an appointment with the Royal Marine Band of the Netherlands Navy where he works as trombonist, staffarranger and assisting conductor. For twelve years the band plays instantly compositions and arrangements of his hand and the public just loves it. He recieves many writing commissions from orchestras and soloist, gives many workshops throughout Europe and is often asked to be a questconductor. After his Composition Funky Fuque meets Waddle Waltz wins a first price in a composition contest of the Netherlands Institute of Windmusic he writing career starts seriously.
Next to the professional orchestras gradually the amateur orchestras discover his music as in 1996 his first works get published. The increasing work of composing and conducting are no longer to combine with a career at the Marine Band. November 2002 he is offered a parttime job as sound supervisor and producer with de Haske Publications B.V. His music will be published by de Haske (mainly in his own series Peter’s Popular Collection) and he is enjoying the writing and conducting activities in and outside the country. Peter is conductor of the Netherlands Police Orchestra, and the Symphonic Windbands in De Bilt and Groningen (the Netherlands ). He also is the musical supervisor of Worldchampion K&G Leiden with whom he won the WAMSB Award 2005.