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Aliud Records / Blog Standard (Page 15)

Soli Brass

Muziekvereniging Soli Deo Gloria, opgericht in 1936 als fanfare orkest, is één van de oudste muziekverenigingen in Leeuwarden. Oorspronkelijk was de vereniging verbonden aan de Vrije Evangelische Gemeente in Leeuwarden. Naast deelname aan concoursen was begeleiden van de samenzang tijdens de erediensten één van de...

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Andrew Read Trio

The Andrew Read trio was formed in 1996 and comprises pianist Hans Kwakkernaat, drummer Erik Poorterman and bassist An­drew Read. Inspired by the great piano trios throughout history jazz, the trio's style is rooted firmly in the Ame­rican jazz tradition however Euro­pean, and Latin influ­ences...

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Riko Fukuda

RIKO FUKUDA studied piano and oboe at the Toho-Gakuën conservatory in Japan. A grant from the Dutch government enabled her to study with Stanley Hoogland at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, where she specialised in fortepiano. Her solo recordings of works by Pinto and...

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Razvan Stoica

Razvan Stoica has received more than 24 national and international awards at prestigious competitions including among others the Perosi Competition (Tortona), Olympic violin competition (Romania) and Bolzano Duo Competition (Italy). In 2009 Razvan was awarded first place at the “Strad prize” in Salzburg. As winner...

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Bassano Quartet

The Bassano Quartet plays on historically built consort recorders with a length up to almost 3 meters (worlds largest recorder). These hand built instruments come from the workshop of Adriana Breukink. Her instruments are played by famous players and ensembles all over the world. The...

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Auro 3D logo

Where Music Is Headed Next

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